I had a profound experience viewing the discovery channel specials
When We Left Earth and
In the Shadow of the Moon - personal accounts and history of the astronauts who have traveled beyond our world. I was deeply moved by the witness they expressed in our creator and the reality of our minuscule place in such a grand universal picture. They all mentioned how grateful they felt when they returned to earth, the beauty, the people, the life.
While working for Disney in Florida I was able to see a shuttle launch, actually getting as close as any civilian could (Definitely among the top of my greatest life experiences). It was amazing. Feeling the heat on my face, hearing and feeling the sonic boom (when an aircraft flies at the speed of sound the air in front of it is compressed so much that it forms into a shock wave that travels out through the air and even reaches the ground), watching, gazing until I could see nothing more. Awe struck.

"By viewing the stretching cosmos, we can humbly contemplate the vastness of divine handiwork. Long before He was born at Bethlehem and became known as Jesus of Nazareth, our Savior was Jehovah. Way back then, under the direction of the Father, Christ was the Lord of the universe, who created worlds without number—of which ours is only one(Eph. 3:9; Heb. 1:2).How many planets are there in the universe with people on them? We don’t know, but we are not alone in the universe! God is not the God of only one planet!"(Elder Neal A. Maxwell-
“Special Witnesses of Christ")