You could have found me...
Early Morning Reading with Adelaide (crying over Dr. Seuss's "Oh' The Places You'll Go" )
Hearing simple testimony from my sweetheart

Taking in My first Texas Rodeo and Stock show with a handsome feller

Changing Kamorah's crib to a big girl bed after a few floor-thumping attempted escapes
Savoring chocolate covered strawberries from my lover
Swinging with my daughters
Playing pretend grandma to my daughters babies
Holding hands as a family, strolling in the park
Planning and preparing for New Beginnings
Teaching the YW how to do different hair braids and sharing with them the life of one of my heroes,
ElizabethCleaning the church Saturday mornings

Embracing the help of my assistant, Adelaide, and cracking up at her insistence in doing her "job" of putting away the silverware
Reflecting on memories as a friend departed, I love you Grandma Tink! Till we meet again!
Sitting together as A Young Women's Presidency in the temple- I consider it an honor to work with such women
Filing my taxes (yahoo, they're done!) and making plans for the refund (savings!)
Sharing a huge $4 stack of nachos from Chachos with my very own Chacho
Praising the magic eraser that cleaned pen drawings off my counter-top
Finding joy in my daughters learning- Adelaide being able to write by herself, her name and mine. Kamorah exploring any word I ask her to say, and pushing with excitement on the toilet.
Contemplating the YW's challenge to "lead the world to a return to virtue" and how to help them catch that vision
Listening to Kamorah's first prayer, recited from her prompter Adelaide
Sobbing over "The Secret Life of Bees" (don't watch the first few scenes, I couldn't-too disturbing) then kneeling by my daughters beds, praying they know how I cherish them
Reading a few (ever-motivating) conference talks, Always needing a reminder to
SIMPLIFYPlaying Hide and Seek
Taking time (as brief as it may have been) to be holy.
DVR-ing and watching (late at night with my sweets)-American Idol and The Biggest Loser
Laughing with wonderful friends in church meetings.(just the meetings-not the actual service, you think you'd know the gal) (;

Giggling at Kamorah being her jokester, thinks she can do anything, little character
Cleaning out my voice inbox
Being up in the early hours of the morning with a sick child, happy to give her comfort and care, wishing it were me instead
(Subsequently) Cleaning up a few "accidents" and bathing gals multiple times in a day
Keeping track of my families Biggest Loser competition
Running away from ducks
Stressing a bit over how best to communicate and delegate responsibilities
Reading some of "Number the Stars"-Lois Lowry
Unsuccessfully highlighting my hair- what was supposed to be caramel-light "Beyonce" brown, turning into brass orange... covering it up to make the final product: red auburney mixed highlights instead. But you know what, I'm embracing it!
Being captivated by a true history lover and story teller, my sweetheart speaking to the cub scouts about America
Daily "flying pillows" making in our mother daughter bed making
Doing my Total Body Work out from the BYU channel

Getting a new crock-pot ("how could I live with out you...I want to know..") Good job finding that Babe!
Visiting the enchanting
Treasure Island, pretending I lived there and taking in an estate sale
Making hair bows with my gals
Seeing two Young Women perform as the leads in their High School Musical
Talking with my Mom for hours about how I can be a better leader, and getting inspired advice
again to please everyone all of the time and realizing
again, that it's not possible- and that I need to not worry so much about it. Slowly but surely, I am learning the fine art of freedom from feeling judged.
Feeling so incredibly grateful, so happy, so glad to be where I am at in this moment of life