Today was just a great one! After waiting weeks for late (sent to our old address) W-2 forms I finally finished filing our taxes! I spent an hour rehearsing with Addy what songs I would sing if I tried out for American Idol. I still weigh what I did at the beginning of the week (and that's after some mother loads of ice cream shoveling). We had our reading time and piano time. I helped a friend out and read my scriptures. I let Addy watch 2 episodes of Dora cuddled up by me on the couch. Me and the gals ate peas, grapes, banana's, oranges, green beans and apples(maybe our variety record for one day). Adelaide is on day three of no bowel accidentals. Morzy could entertain herself all day booking it up the stairs. I've sent Spence with leftovers every day this week. I got the recycle bin out in time this morning. I still have my hair pulled back in the bun I put it in yesterday (slowly falling), and I'm callin it a night, sinking into my crisp sheets with a sink full of dishes. This is the life!
little miracles....
( picture of us taking in the final four festivities! What a blast!)
I didn't get nearly the amount of things done as you, today, but I too have a sink full of dishes that I've told myself I'll promptly do first thing in the morning!
Hey! I ran into you and Jamie just looking at profiles in Salt Lake. I don't know if you remember me but I am Suzi's son. I just wanted to say hi and see how you and all your siblings are doing!
I had a similar day yesterday--but somehow, I managed to get the laundry folded during naptime. I honestly don't know how it happened because last I checked, I was taking the day off yesterday. ;)
Are you working on losing weight? I seemed to gather that from the comment about being the same this week as last... Anyway--I'm doing, (it's a totally free calorie counting, fitness tracking website), and I highly recommend it. I've even managed to lose 15 lbs. in the past 2 1/2 mos. from using it. (I only have 1.5 lbs. to go to hit my pre-Kallie weight! And we won't talk about what STILL needs to come off after that.) :) Anyway--just thought I'd toss that up there in case you were looking for something along those lines!
Amanda, I am so excited to look into SparkPeople! Thank you for the info. I have actually just been weighing myself, being food conscious and exercising regularly. Keep me posted on your goal catching. That must feel great! Just to have met that goal. I bet you feel and look wonderful!
I love your entries that bask in the miracle of everyday life. I think we seem to forget just how good a simple day can be. I know I would appreciate one that low key. Thanks for reminding us that it's okay not to do dishes or clean house for that matter if it means not doing it so we can spend time with our children or family.
Amanda: I wanted to thank you for sharing that site with Sarah, because I was curious and looked it up and think that it's Awesome!! It's like weight watchers without paying the money! LOVE IT!! THANK YOU!!! I have shared it with a lot of my friends and family too and they are so excited about it also.
isn't life great! I love reading your blog it's always an up lifting expirence.
I love having days like this! I seriously need to know if you're trying out for American Idol. I would seriously LOVE to...but...I think I'm too chicken!
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