Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Oh Boy, I Got Joy

When I realized my last post was announcing the arrival of our precious boy and yesterday we celebrated our first year with him, I nudgingly thought it due time to dust off the 'ole blog and get to postin. It sure helps that I discovered a simple email method of posting from my phone so I no longer have the excuse of the "no computer with internet". I am! Nearly a year later with many a topics and adventures to discuss. Expect the post to be a comin! For today: One of our new favorite Joy School songs that we dramatically sing around our house declares "Oh boy! I got Joy, I do, I do"! We relish it in all it's cheesy glory. We sing it mostly because of our little Jericho. "Ko", "Koz", "Kozy", "Bruds" (brother), of all his nicknames, the most appropriately given him is "Joy Boy". The girls decided to call him that, and rightly so. Never in my life have I been around anyone who emits so much light and joy. He beams. It seems to come right out of those glossy big blue eyes and grab at you. It is impossible to be truly down in his presence. Like all children, he loves so purely with out judgment. I know I'm his mother so I am terribly biased, but there is something different in this boy. He seems to see the soul. He unravels me in a way that helps me forget worries and embrace my blessings. Having him in my life has added an entirely new dimension to my ability to love and feel love from others. He is one of God's greatest gifts to me and I pray that I can cherish him enough to show my gratitude. Thanks to Heaven for this past year with my angel boy Jericho.


Clean Cut said...

Since I'm his father, I know I'm biased too, but I love this post and can only say "ditto" to the fact that he is so filled with joy--he's really quite an inspiration to me. One can't but help feel happier just by seeing his amazing smile. Happy Birthday Jericho!

Amanda said...

I love this post! I can't believe he's already a year! Happy Birthday little Jericho!

Chris & Stephanie said...

YAY! You're bloggin again!! He is so, SO precious!

We love Joy School..."I got joy" is always a favorite!

Wow, I can't believe it's been a year! Can't wait to hear more about your family!

jamiegilson said...

Sara, Has it really been that long? He looks like a joyfilled boy. You have such a beautiful family and I love reading your way with words about them. You are my inspiration.