Adelaide and Kamorah are about the coolest company I could have all day! Let me give you an update on the cutest gals I know...
Miss Addy is my little buddy. She is full of opinions and now expresses them (with a word or two). It has been so exciting to see her learn to communicate and a wonder to witness all that she understands at such a young age. She gets a little frustrated sometimes when she is trying to tell me something and I don't understand- but is patient and keeps faith in me. She is so quick to sense when she has done something wrong and fast to say "soddy". She likes to pretend to talk on the phone and laughs so hard while she jumbles words together fast to sound like the grownups. She matches emotions and wants to understand why people are reacting/feeling the way they are. She really has been such a big help to me, grabbing a diaper, throwing something away, and doing anything that I ask. She still loves reading and will hold books up for Mora and read to her. We have had so much fun swimming this summer- Addy will even ask to take a bath every day just to pretend she's swimming. She is insistent on singing her certain primary songs and so darling doing the actions. She is such a girl and I have no idea how she got so interested in high heeled shoes, chap (lip) stick, bags and ear rings. Our biggest adventure has been going "big potty". She is really trying and has made it in the big seat 4 times, but has frequent "too lates" and misses. She must sit on the toilet 20 times a day, and mostly just for the fun of it. I must admit that I get the biggest kick out of the pretending she has to go, just to get on the seat. Oh' how they live such simple, joyful lives. Sometimes I want to just cry as I watch her learn, love, forgive, serve and wonder... I know exactly why the Savior invites us to be like the children. She has been one of my greatest teachers and examples.
Little Mora (Morzy)...what an angel! She has been nothing but a tender mercy to our family. She has been such a good sport putting up with all of Addy's hug (and tugs) and having to be set down much more that we both would like (with the packing, driving, and unpacking). She is gaining weight like a pro! At her 2 week check up she was off the charts for height and weight (100th percentile) and seems to be keeping the pattern up. She is fitting into some 3-6 month clothes at not even 8 weeks old! She usually sleeps now for about 6 hours at night, which is perfect for me. It has been so amazing to interact with her the last few weeks as she is now reacting with smiles and coos. If that isn't the greatest thing, the first time your child really seems to respond to you. She brings a great reverence to our home and I am so thankful that Father sent us two girls together. Oh' this is the life!
As for Spence and I, we are LOVING SAN ANTONIO! I am so happy that Spencer is finding such joy in teaching. He has been so fun to watch here as he is so into the details of our home (an avid lawn waterer and inspector).We love our ward and the new friends we've made in our first weeks here. Today we went to a baptism of our newest friend Taleah and her son Erik. We really feel such a burning desire to serve, you know those times in your life when you really don't want to let anything stop you from living right and worthy to share the Joy of the Lord and his Gospel. We are really anxious and prayerful that He will use us here to help others.
Our home is slowly but surely becoming a "house of order" and we are so thankful to be living in such a wonderful place. We bought a tv that is much bigger than we wanted (or need) but we found a great deal on craigslist (which I use and love so much-) and are set to thoroughly enjoy this years college football season!! Go Cougars, and yes, Hookem Horns!
I'll update more on our adventure in getting here and other events since we arrived, but just wanted to quickly get this set up. Life really feels so right and what a blessing and delightful feeling that is...
Nice to visit Lakes, good job on the blog.
Love, Dad.
Morzy (so cute) Smiles!! How fun! You all look so great and so happy. Blogging is so great and such a fun way to keep in touch with loved ones. I'm so excited your doing it too!!We miss you guy's already and think of you all so often, we hate going by the Spencer's house though! "Too many memories"...hehehe!
Yeah!! Welcome to blog land. Work it girl! I've got to send you some awesome pics of T's special day. :) Here's a link to our blog.
And I'll be adding yours as a favorite. Can't wait to see pics of the house!
WE are so excited for you and all the adventures that await you. I'm sorry we couldn't be there to help you move because you helped us so much when we moved and we appreciate it. you guys are great, what a wonderful family you have!
I'm so glad you made it safely and that you're loving where you are. What an exciting adventure! I'm adding you to my list of blog friends, and you're welcome to do the same. ( :) I am very much looking forward to more wonderful updates from you guys!
Yahoo for your cute family! I loved reading about you guys and seeing your adorable girls! I'm glad things are going well with you in your new place.
Take care!
-Jill Bowcutt
Hey Sarah, Jenelle here! It's great to see the pictures and I love hearing about your life and adventures. Little girls are so cute and fun (most of the time) and you really have a couple of sweeties! I'm really excited for you there in San Antonio. I'm sure you will love it. I hear it is a wonderful place to raise a family. Later,
What a beautiful family! It is good to read your blog and catch up on what you guys are doing. We wish you well in Texas!
I am going to add you to my list of blogs as well on our blog:
cutest girls ever! what does "SA sisters" mean? :) glad things are going well!
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